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Clinical study: obeliscTM

Radiological and mid-to longterm patient-reported outcome after stabilization of traumatic thoraco-lumbar spinal fractures using an expandable vertebral body replacement implant

Lang, S., Neumann, C., Schwaiger, C., Voss, A., Alt, V., Loibl, M., & Kerschbaum, M. (2021). Radiological and mid-to longterm patient-reported outcome after stabilization of traumatic thoraco-lumbar spinal fractures using an expandable vertebral body replacement implant. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22(1):744.

The aim of this study was to analyze the radiological results as well as the mid- to long-term patient-reported outcome; (PRO) after dorso-ventral stabilization of traumatic fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine with the distractable vertebral body replacement (VBR) obeliscTM for the reconstruction of the anterior spine.

The results of the study and a summary of it can be downloaded via the adjacent tile.

A significant correction of the BKA was demonstrated on both the thoracic spine and the lumbar spine. [...] Furthermore, a high bony fusion rate of 97.9% could be achieved. No revision surgery due to VBR dislocation was required.

Conclusion of the authors (excerpt)
Clinical Study
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