We create the framework for our success.

dedicated to you.

    We focus on profitable and sustainable company growth

    For over 25 years, Klaus Kiesel has been committed to the successful and sustainable development of the Ulm-based family-owned company. He runs the business together with Christoph Ulrich, the great-grandson of the company founder and thus the fourth generation. Since July 2024, Friedrich von Rechteren has joined the Management Board as Co-CEO.




    Responsibility for specialist areas

    Due to the steady, often above-average growth that we have regularly achieved in recent years, two Authorized Officers were added to the Executive Board in 2018: since then, Sven Erdmann has been in charge of technology and regulation, while Steffen Kölsch is in charge of operations and quality management.

    Cornelia Schweizer has been a member of the Executive Board and Authorized Officer of the company as Head of Sales and Marketing since 2021. In 2023, Steffen May completed the management team as Commercial Director.





    Medical technology 
    from Ulm 
    for the whole world

    Learn all about how we got started and how we became a global success.

    We are always working on new solutions
    dedicated to you.


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