13. - 14. March 2025

Euregio Aachen

The human spine is an evolutionary misconstruction.” There is a lot of ignorance and half-truths about the evolution of the spine. Some even claim that the evolutionary development of the spine spine has failed and is the reason for the widespread disease “back pain”. We want to dispel these prejudices in the scientific part of our symposium! In addition to this main theme of this year's symposium, we will also be addressing the topic of intrathecal tumors and the importance of dorsal tension strapping.

13. - 14. March 2025

Aachen, Germany

University Hospital RWTH Aachen
Institute for Molecular and
Cellular Anatomy
Lecture hall MTI II, Prepsaal MTI 2, Seminar room 29
Wendlingweg 2, 52074 Aachen, Germany

Event language

Do you have questions?
I am here for you.

Veronica Koch
Event Manager